LAUNCHED: Stackby Apps Marketplace

We are thrilled to announce Stackby Apps marketplace. Now, create your custom no-code dashboards for reporting, tracking and taking action on your data with Stackby Apps Marketplace. Read our detailed blog here.

Take charge of your workflow by creating custom dashboards with charts, pivot table, summary, goal tracker, description, embed, row cards and more on the way!

Our vision is to empower you with all the good things that data and database can yield, without getting crazy with all that coding. In the meantime, see what we have brought for you now and how it takes your troubles away in the blink of an eye. Now create these real-time dashboards with purpose built apps for various use-cases.

Reporting: Analyze your Stackby data with

  • Charts App: With 5 chart types like Bar, Line, Radar, Donut and Pie, you can create custom charts for your tables. Select X-axis, Y-axis or even group charts to create a stacked bar chart. The possibilities with this app are endless.

So you can put all your facts and figures into visual formats to take better actions and make stronger decisions.

Chart types - Small

  • Summary App: With this app, you can summarize any column information quickly from a view. It just works like a summary bar on your table, but you can now visualize key information in summary boxes.

Summary - Small

  • Pivot Table: We all love pivot tables, don’t we? With this app, you can take your reporting to the next level with multiple column pivot tables. Summarize rows, find trends in your data or compare a subset of rows, you can slice and dice the way you want.

Pivot Table - Recording

Tracking Goals & Time: Get on top of your work with

  • Goal Tracker App: Motivate yourself and your team to chase your goals by creating a custom goal tracker for any column based on a target. Whether it’s your sales quota, total deals to close or total projects to finish in a quarter, tracking your goals on top of your Stackby data is now a breeze.


  • Time Tracker App:

You could be managing a small business or running an enterprise, the time tracker in the Stackby Marketplace is perfect to help you keep a tab on the progress of your team’s operation as well as any special project.

Time Tracker

  • Countdown Tracker: Now matching steps with your deadline became easier than ever before with the Countdown Tracker app. With this app, you can match your tasks to a particular time, and puts you and your team on the clock. To elevate your experience, it also has a large clock in different units in your favourite color.


  • Row Cards App: Show only the records that matter based on a view in this record overview app.


  • Embed App: Embed anything from the web with this nifty embed app. Youtube Videos, Data studio reports & more.


  • Description App: Add rich notes, text or any descriptions to your dashboard.

We’ll be adding new apps to the marketplace as we go and have some amazing apps in pipeline.

Add your first dashboard to your stack and do share your feedback with us as we constantly improve :raised_hands:

Note: Apps Marketplace is in beta today.