Need help with IF statement

Hello SB Community,

I have a formula for a “status field” that keeps tripping me up. I have tried multiple ways and can get parts of it to work, but not all. Undoubtedly I’m a comma or similar away from the solution, but by now I’ve tangled myself so far in my own head that I have to admit defeat and humbly ask for assistance.

I have the following columns that should be considered in the formula:

{End Date} = Formula field

{BiU} = Checkbox field

{Last Shared} = Date field

{Next Share} = Formula field

What I want to achieve is:

If {BiU} is NOT checked = ‘-’

If {BiU} is checked AND TODAY() is after {End Date} =

If {BiU} is checked AND TODAY() is BEFORE {Last Shared} and {End Date} =

If {BiU} is checked AND TODAY() is AFTER {Last Shared}, but BEFORE {End Date} = Link

So thankful to the community

I’m very anxious to see if this works. I added another column to your stack - {BiU Share Status - Newest}. I checked and it looks like all the parameters are met… let me know :slight_smile:

IF({BiU} = "Yes", IF(IS_AFTER(TODAY(), {End Date}), "✅", IF(OR(IS_SAME(TODAY(), {Start}), IS_AFTER(TODAY(), DATEADD({Start}, -3, 'days'))), IF({Last Shared}, IF(IS_AFTER(TODAY(), {Next Share - Test Column}), "🔗", "☑️"), "🔗"), IF(IS_BEFORE(TODAY(), {Start}), IF(FIND("No", {Tickets}), "⏳", "🎟")))), "➖")

Please test and see if it works.
