Migrate from Excel Gsheets

Has anyone migrated from above. I have 2 sheets which reference each other as in, one is a ledger with account names etc in a list. Sheet 2 has the running totals of each account to create a balance sheet.
accounts are maybe
Subs 10
Subs 10
Costs 20
Totals Subs 20
Totals Costs 20
etc etc
Thanks for any help.

Hi @AlanF,

If you’re importing your excel sheet, you need to reference the formulas again. Once you import, it will only take it as default ‘text’ in all columns.

You can import those 2 sheets and link them together using the link column type.

Once it’s linked, you can then do a lookup or aggregation from one table to another to bring column data automatically from respective tables for calculation.

You can check the formula terminology in Stackby and understand how Stackby formulas are different than that of Excel and then use the formula functions then to compute on those columns to get the desired result.

Hope this helps!

Please let me know if you have any other questions.