Manage your Facebook Ads

Hi there,

I’m running a digital marketing agency, and tracking facebook ads for multiple clients. How can I manage all my campaigns in Stackby? Can I bring data from multiple campaign accounts in a single stack or should I create different stacks for different clients?

Thanks in advance!

Watch the video walkthrough on how you plan your ad campaign and automatically track your Facebook Ad metrics by bringing details of your Ad Accounts, Campaigns, Adsets and even individual Ads.

Hi there,

Yes, you can manage your client’s facebook ad campaigns using Facebook Ads API connector in Stackby.

You will have to connect and authenticate to the facebook ad account first and then bring Campaign ID, Adset ID or Ad IDs from the account. Once added, you can then choose the right API function: Bring details of a particular campaign, adset or ad and pull campaign statistics right inside your columns in the table.

We have seen many users create one stack each for their client, so they can give them their project and reporting access to that particular client. You can also do the same.

Here’s the Facebook Ad Campaigns Template you can check out: Facebook Ads Campaign Template -free to use- Stackby

Hope this helps!