How to correctly set up linked data in a form?

Hi all,

I need to use a linked column and lookup in a form.Or at least I believe that’s what I need but possible I’m tackling this completely wrong.
Here is the link to a screencast of my waste of time so far :smile:


I would appreciate a push in the right direction



Hi Edwin,

The best way to go about getting right information in the ‘Link row’ model on forms is that you can create a primary column as an ID that will be a join of Country + Province in your case in Table 2.

You can use CONCAT () function for that. Check out the image below:

Then this ID becomes your primary column and you can choose it in the link model form accordingly.

Txs @rachitk.

I already imported a concatenated row from my source spreadsheet, but yeah, I should have done it as per your example.

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